
The concept that we can introduce a more natural living environment is taken to the next level with this pioneering publication. The lessons from the wild are brought into our own horse keeping facilities and are enabling horses freedom to access more natural herd dynamics within small or large acreage

Don’t take our word for it...
visit Jaime’s bookstore and get a signed copy !

    Horses access more mileage

    Hooves get stimulus from mileage and variety of surfaces

    More natural feeding behavior

    Gives greater diet/weight  management options

    May give owners the opportunity to cut their own hay due to restricting ‘poached’ land

    Manage laminitis effectively

Consider the following scenarios
This horse is turned out 24/7, has access to 8 acres of grazing, large trough with clean water. He has two other horses to share it with
2. This horse is out 24/7, has access to a 10-30 feet wide track that equates to 3 acres, grazing is sparse and there is free choice hay in several places. The horse has a variety of surfaces along the track including sand and gravel, access to a watering area, logs, branches and other objects are spread around to encourage play. He has two other horses he shares it with.
Get the picture ?
1. Even though this horse has a ‘larger’ area he will move less. His hooves will not be benefiting from conditioning on various surfaces, he will probably be stationary for much of the day. There is an increased probability that laminitis may occur due to unrestricted grass intake and sedentary behavior....
2. This horse will cover lots more miles in a day then scenario 1. One of the herd will lead (from the front or the rear) one another around the track picking at the hay, conditioning their hooves to a variety of terrain, enjoying the variety a large ‘track’ offers and he is a lot more likely to perform barefoot on different terrain. The diet can be managed when necessary by restricting/increasing access to grazing through outlets to ‘camping areas’. He has access to a more interesting environment which will have a positive impact on both his physical and psychological well being

A track system is a realistic alternative for
1. winter turnout in situations where horses are otherwise kept in 24/7 to restrict ‘poaching’ summer grazing.
2. Summer turnout in situations where horses are otherwise stabled to prevent / cure laminitis from unrestricted grass turnout.

The road planings we included here have a variety of benefits and are an inexpensive byproduct from road improvements.( After a bit of ‘haggling’ we had it delivered for £5 per ton.)
Benefits include conditioning for hooves; exfoliation / stimulation for sole, bars, frog, hoof wall. The area is also great to get the horses off the wet muddy track periodically through the worst of the winter periods; avoiding excessive moisture

Preparing 2 acres for paddock paradise... lets hope they like it :o)

‘Consider texturing short, separate stretches of the track with rocks, pea gravel, sand, and other abrasive materials. If the horse refuses to pass over them, then it is possibly too much too soon, for their hooves and minds to adapt to. Horses must be given time to transition and adapt to the track, and strategically, we should bear this in mind. What they may not be able to do today, at the outset, they will probably be able to do weeks or months down the line through progressive conditioning. Plan your track accordingly, by graduating the track’s abrasiveness over time. You can do tests runs by diverting your horses into short veins or spurs and see how they do.’
Jaime Jackson. Paddock Paradise

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